Comparison Essay: Have You Ever Playing Rugby

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Compare and contrast essay.
Have you ever played Rugby? Have you ever played football?
Do you even know what either of those are? Maybe you have heard of one or both and maybe think they’re kind of the same or that they are completely different.Maybe you're thinking of playing one and want to decide maybe which one you would enjoy more or be better at.In this essay The point is to Compare and contrast both rugby and football vs eachother.Find simmalairtys and differnces.

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The first topic that is going to be compared and contrasted is Rugby.Like most sports Rugby is a point based game the objective is to score on the opposing team and prevent the opposing team from scoring on you.At the end of each game the team with the most point is the winner.This is the first simalarity that rugby has with football.Football is also an objective sport you have to score on the opposing teams end zone adding point until the end of the game and the team with the most points is the winner.

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