Comparison And Contrast Essay-Shattered Glass

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Shattered Glass Essay Compare and Contrast
Real Story- In December 1996, the Center for Science in the Public Interest(CSPI) was the target of a hostile article by Glass called "Hazardous to Your Mental Health". CSPI wrote a letter to the editor and issued a press release pointing out numerous inaccuracies and distortions, and even hinted at possible plagiarism.
The organization Drug Abuse Resistant Education(D.A.R.E.) accused Glass of falsehoods in his March 1997 article "Don't You D.A.R.E."
In May 1997, Joe Galli of the College Republican National Committee wrote a letter to the editor accusing Glass of fabrications in "Spring Breakdown", his lurid tale of drinking and debauchery at the 1997 Conservative Political Action Conference. A June 1997 article called "Peddling Poppy" about a Hofstra University conference on George H. W. Bush drew a letter to the editor from Hofstra reciting Glass's errors. The New Republic, however, stood by and defended him. Editor Michael Kelly wrote an angry letter to CSPI calling them liars and demanding the organization apologize to Glass. After that things got even worse for Glass when he released his final story hack heaven based on a fake hacker Ian Restile and Jukt Micronics a fake company Glass made up. Glass was caught and fired from The New …show more content…

Penenberg and a colleague (Rosario Dawson) can find no proof Jukt or an Ian Restil even exist. Lane drives Glass to a hotel where the hacker convention supposedly took place. Despite frantic attempts at spin from Glass, Lane discovers that the convention room at the hotel was not open the day the convention supposedly took place and that the restaurant where they supposedly ate dinner closed in the early

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