Comparing the Typical Chinese and American Breakfasts

640 Words2 Pages

Breakfast is always considered to be the most important meal of the day. By eating a nutritious breakfast, we can produce enough energy for better academic performance as well as a fresh mind. However, breakfast has huge differences between countries, such as China and America.

Chinese breakfast always begins with a cup of warm soybean milk. The soybean milk we have in China is slightly different from the soymilk served here, since the soybean milk is made from the freshly ground soy beans instead of the ready-to-eat soymilk powder. Chinese people believe that having something warm in the morning may keep you healthy for the whole day, so that is why we serve the soybean milk hot. We also have other hot beverages like red bean soup and green tea.

Then the major part of a well-balanced breakfast comes—the main dish. After warming up the stomach, people are prepared for the food which contains fats, proteins and nutrients that produce real energy. We usually have a bowl of rice porridge, or a soup-like sweet potato dish with steamed buns and a fried breadstick on the side. Most of t...

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