Comparing Viva La Vida And A Season In Hell

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In today’s society, there is little agreement about what is moral. Even the most egregious abuses of others illicit little condemnation because of our reluctance to espouse a universal morality. Instead, we view morality as an unintelligible tangle of competing sets of rights and wrongs. In contrast, both “Viva La Vida” and “A Season In Hell” offer opposing moralities and both are willing to prescribe their morality as superior to all others. “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay suggests the traditional Judeo-Christian western morality and “A Season in Hell” by Rimbaud espouses the Nihilistic moral subjectivism of believing there is no universal right and wrong.

On the one hand, Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” suggests the traditional Judeo-Christian Western

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