Comparing Three Different Versions

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All three of the different versions “What is This Thing Called Love?” affected me differently in a way that they were three different versions similar but also entirely different. The first versions by Holman was very different to what you would think and what is shown on T.V as to how jazz sounded. This version reminds me somewhat of Broadway and had a very slow tempo.
As for Fitzgerald’s version, this was very different and enjoyable. The brass can be heard very sharply in the background and her vocals are also very sharp. You can hear in improvisation with the brass instruments, and there was a perfect combination of vocals, improvisation, and instruments. None of the instruments over powered one another nor did them over power the singer. This song reminds me of what you might hear walking down the streets of New Orleans back in the days, or in the black and white movies where the women would dress in elegant clothing, and the men would wear their suites with the hat that has the feather. This version …show more content…

You can see how they are just going with the flow complementing one another and not trying to overpower each other. Also you can see and hear the improvisation, I liked that this had an actually video of the musicians because you can see how they are just going with how they feel and letting the music speak to one another and the audience. This version is not just another interpretation is this song it is very different. With the free flowing it also reminds me of those cartoons without the sounds like fantasia where it is all instrumentals and nor lyrics. Just the instruments talking to one another and each note and pitch has a different meaning and feeling to it that is interpreted individually by a different person. This allows the audience to come up with their own meaning and interpretation as to what is being said through the

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