Comparing The Toltec And Aztec Culture

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When you think of Meso-America, tribes like the Aztec come to mind. But that tribe was still in its development during the reign of the Toltec Empire. From 900 to approximately 1200 C.E. During their rule, they created a platform for today’s current society to develop from. The Toltec’s credibility is often overshadowed by the success of the Aztec; their conquerors. Before they were able to give their knowledge away, they had to build a civilization. The Toltec people were living in Teotihuacán; a city near present-day Mexico City that the Toltec were thought to have built. Teotihuacán fell in flames Before their forced departure of the city, the Toltec were the only race living there. Once they left, most went to their new home, and capital, Tula (also know as Tollan) but some went to Tlillan-Tlapallan. …show more content…

Quachtli is a type of cloth that was used in Tula. One cloth was the equivalent of 65 cocoa beans; another Toltec/Aztec currency. The Toltec only spoke the dialect and did not have a written language. Some scholars believe that, because they didn't own a writing system, the Toltec were a mythological race; even, though, the Aztecs have written information on them. The Aztec have written records of the Toltec kings and rulers. They are also credited for their buildings and gods. They had various types of plant medicines that the Aztec adopted that we still use today. But, the information and lifestyle they shared with the Aztec would soon solely belong to the Aztec. The fall of the Toltec began with their alliance with the Aztec people (known by a different name at that time) and their shared city. Their city was burned down and the Mexica, the rulers of the Aztec empire, invaded and conquered their civilization. Their stories still live on but their language, religion, and culture are no longer

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