Comparing The Reigns Of Ferdinand And Isabella Of Spain

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Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile were married in 1469. The unity of the major kingdoms of Aragon and Castille, joined huge swaths of land of a fragmented set of minor kingdom across Spain, helping elevate Spain into a world power. Their union brought stability to both kingdoms. The duo’s accomplishments during their reign continue to impact the modern world today. Their united kingdoms resumed the Reconquest against the South, controlled by the Moors, and instituted the brutal Inquisition. Both Ferdinand and Isabella gained the qualities and skills that were needed to lead a nation. Establishing treaties and joining kingdoms took charisma, ruthlessness and persistence, traits which both Ferdinand and Isabella demonstrated throughout …show more content…

Ferdinand succeeded his father in Aragon earlier in the same year; the next step was to join Castile to Aragon. The united states of Castile and Aragon were sealed with the marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand. The partnership insured religious unity as well as political unity. Ferdinand and Isabella were both imbued with the spirit and rituals of Catholic orthodoxy, consolidating Spain under the unifying fabric of Catholic Church. First, they ruthlessly moved to rid Spain of Jews and Moors. They agreed on wanting the Jews out, either by burning them alive when they wouldn’t convert, or by expelling them from Spain. The edict of 1492 banished the entire population of nonconverted Jews. “...we ordered the separation of the said Jews in all the cities, towns and villages of our kingdoms and lordships and {commanded} that they be given Jewish quarters and separated places where they should live…” Spain wanted to spread Catholicism throughout Spain, eliminating the Muslims, Jews, or anyone who didn’t convert to catholicism . The Spanish Inquisition was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition, which was under Papal (Italian) control, creating a “Spanish” Catholic church rather than an “Italian” Catholic church. Their ruthlessness created a nation of Spaniards who all believed in the same Catholic rituals, rites and

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