Comparing The Pursuit Of Philosophy In Voltaire's 'The Cave'

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This paper will compare the attitudes of each character in their respective story. Included will be a reference page for further study. Both stories will be discussed in detail and the author will explain message he/she felt the philosopher was trying to relay to the audience and how their own philosophy compares. Focusing on the ‘Why’ of all things in existence philosophers are faced with an arduous task of finding answers to the unknown; making philosophy a field of study that is virtually endless. So much so, that many people have given their entire lives in the pursuit of answers to these ‘Whys’. One of these people being the Greek philosopher Plato. In his story ‘The Cave’, we find his characters in chains, forced to look at a single …show more content…

No matter which direction The Brahmin goes in search of knowledge there will be only more questions than answers. How can philosophy, a tool meant to help man evolve, cause him so much discomfort? Is it essential to our lives to experience these pains? Those who do not care to know, are they happier than those who do? I feel The Brahmin (like Socrates) is casting judgment down on these people for what he ASSUMES to be the case. Much of this is an assumption on how more or less knowledge has a direct effect on happiness. I suppose this story (The Good Brahmin) illustrates a possible benefit of ignorance, while Plato’s work ‘The Cave’ shows us the danger. I sense The Brahmin to have settled on a reality where he will never have all the answers. That we (humans) are a part of the grand mystery known as Life. How it is no different than the number ‘2’ trying to understand its role in an …show more content…

Though I do find myself judging others from time to time. Which I find to be more of an exercise (a positive) than anything else. I agree with both messages these philosophers are trying to deliver. Ignorance can be dangerous if we are not aware of its existence, however, by compartmentalizing our ignorance and adjusting the levels can we learn to live with it, still enjoying life. How not knowing too much or too little but just enough (balance), is the way to

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