Comparing The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

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“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is a story about four siblings, the Pevensies, who discover another world from inside a dresser within their professor’s home. This other world is called Narnia. Lucy, the youngest of the siblings is the first to discover this new world when she enters the dresser and realizes it has no ending point. When she ends up in this cold world she meets a faun named Tumnus. He is in this other world ruled by the White Witch ordered to capture “brothers and sisters of Adam and Eve.” When Tumnus tells Lucy what he has done to other humans, who have entered this secret world, she begs him to spare her life. This weighs heavily on his conscience, and he escorts her back to Earth before anyone finds out she was ever in Narnia and set free. When Lucy comes …show more content…

As they search for Edmund’s family, they notice that Aslan has caused the seasons to change and spring is underway. Her fear of the throne being overtaken by the four siblings angers her and she figures if they kill Edmund they won’t be able to take over Narnia. Aslan and the rest of them end up freeing Edmund from the queen, but the queen was able to disguise herself and get away. When Aslan and the Witch agree to meet they discuss Edmund’s life. The witch wants to kill him for being a traitor, but instead Aslan sacrifices himself to spare Edmund. The witch does kill Aslan, but what the witch didn’t know was that when an innocent victim is killed by a traitor, the Stone Table will crack and death will be reversed. Aslan is brought back to life and they immediately go to the witch’s home. Aslan uses his power to breathe on every stone statue to bring them back to life. Aslan ends up killing the witch and the Pevensies siblings become the king and queens of Narnia. They reign in Narnia for years before they stumbled back to the real world and are restored back to their original age as

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