Comparing The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers And The Million Year Picnic

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The author and poet Albert Camus said, “If only nature is real and if, in nature, only desire and destruction are legitimate, then, in that all humanity does not suffice to assuage the thirst for blood, the path of destruction must lead to universal annihilation.” In both the The Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the Martian Chronicles story The Million Year Picnic show the fear of annihilation in two different ways. The Million Year Picnic shows the fear through the family and why they have to go to Mars, the reason being that Earth was destroyed because of nature and nature itself. The Invasion of the Body Snatchers shows the fears as aliens taking over the town of Santa Marara because the people are going against the “pod people”, aliens …show more content…

The science topic of alien contact and the innovations in genetics and cloning were the main focus of the film. Throughout the time period many but, During the 1940s many different scientists, were active learners in genetics. This was some of the best advancements in it time which then later has been proven to be useful . The Invasion of the Body Snatchers mainly focuses on the topic, genetics this can be seen through the films heavy reliance on the townspeople being copied by the new form of people called the “pod people” in this case. An example from the film being, there when they find bodies of people that were taken over by the “pod people” and then how they looked exactly the same. The Invasion of the Body Snatchers shows connection to “early 1940s researchers made a major breakthrough in genetics, the branch of biology that deals with inherited characteristics in all forms of life” (Biology: Genetics). The Invasion of the Body Snatchers investigates the reasoning behind genetics by showing you first hand how the “copy” of the person is made, this is done via a pod and this is how the “pod people” were created. During this time period many were “...concern[ed] over the potential impact of genetically altered life on the [biosphere]. Unforeseen problems with potentially …show more content…

man plays a major role in the fear within the movie on the alien side. The “pod people” want to replace the old humans without causing any suspicion of the humans and try not to tell the humans how not. On the man side the struggle is to stay awake and keep their body and not to be taken over by the “pod people.” The fear of annihilation can also be connected because they didn't want to be taken over by the “pod people.” What Miles says about his practices shows the foreshadowing of what's going to happen to all humans being taken over the “pod people.” This can be related to the fear of annihilation because Miles says “...people have allowed their humanity to drain away.”(Invasion of the Body Snatchers). This can also be said for the conflict of man vs. man because of the “pod people” taking over the town one by one, one human at a time. As the pod people are slowly taking over Miles says, “ They're here already! You're next! You're next, You're next...!” (Invasion of the Body Snatchers). This shows that the people of the town have been overwhelmed by the “pod people” and they can not overcome the problem of the aliens slowly taking them over and transforming them to their kind. This can connect to the fear of annihilation because they are slowly taking over the city in Los Angeles and they can be seen wiping out the human population one by one. This can also connect to the conflict because they eliminating the

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