Comparing The Declaration Of Independence And Jefferson In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In this essay I am going to be comparing the society between Jefferson and in the story called Anthem by Ayn Rand. The book Anthem is mostly about what happened they way they made it happen. The Declaration Of Independence which was from Jefferson talks about how life is and how it shouldn’t be just the way people should be treated not treated different. This essay is going to confirm why the two books are different and what each one of them do to predict who has rights and freedom. The time that the Declaration of Independence was adopted in July 1776, the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain had been at war for more than a year. Relations had been deteriorating between the colonies and the mother country since 1763. Parliament enacted a series of measures to increase revenue from the colonies, such as the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Townshend Acts of 1767. Parliament believed that these acts were a legitimate means of having the colonies pay their fair share of the costs to keep them in the British Empire. …show more content…

He works with Union 5-3992 and International 4-8818, who is Equality's only friend (which is another Transgression of Preference). He found an entrance to a tunnel in their assigned work area. Despite International protests that any exploration unauthorized by a Council is forbidden, Equality entered the tunnel and found that it contains metal tracks. Equality realized that the tunnel is from the Unmentionable Times of the distant past. He began sneaking away from his community to use the tunnel as a laboratory for scientific experiments. He stole paper and is using it to write his journal. He is now 21 years

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