Comparing The Arguments Of Don Marquis And Judith Jarvis Thomson

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Section 1:Introduction With in this paper I will be illustrating the arguments of both Don Marquis and Judith Jarvis Thomson, tearing them apart and evaluating them. Firstly, I would say the conversation between Marquis and Thomson would probably be a heated debate about the arguments used and how they counter each other. Thomson starts off by trying to write away the more “extreme views” with her hypothetical famous violinist argument, while Marquis begins with saying he won’t even touch these points. I believe most of the points Thomson goes over are the exact same ones that Marquis says he won’t touch in his argument. The debate between them would be very short and only dealing with the “the right to life” and what gives another person the right to take that away. Section 2: Chosen Theorist’s position The chosen position I take is that of Judith Jarvis Thomson. Thomson argues that “right to life” is less important than the right to choose. Thomson starts her argument by combating the “extreme view” and held belief that the mother's life is less important that of the fetus’. She does this by illustrating the hypothetical situation of being kidnapped to save the life of a famed violinist, a parallel to a situation in which a woman is forced to give birth, especially in terms of rape. She …show more content…

He goes on to clarify that he'll ignore issues that are important to the overall ethics of abortion, those being that it's permissible if it's before implantation, if the life of the mother is in danger, or cases of rape, and that the purpose of his argument is to make the case that the majority of deliberate abortions are seriously

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