Comparing The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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I am sorry to tell you that dreams don’t come true. Rather, it’s your goals that can forever change your life. You need to set goals in order to turn your dreams into reality. For many years America has remained dreaming to manifest its own destiny. This dream describes America as the land of opportunity and to conquer a new frontier. The dreams that were achieved changed after the Great Depression and more people just wish for a better life. During the Great Depression any kind of jobs were taken so men like Lennie and George were common to travel for work.There are several examples in the novel that foreshadows what may happen in the end of MiCE Of MEn. In the first chapters, it is apparent that Lennie is a simple minded man who likes to …show more content…

First, Candy's dog is killed then at the end of the book Lennie is killed. These shooting have a lot in common. To start both the dog and Lennie were shot by the same gun, a luger. Carlson owned the luger. The dog was shot by Carlson and Lennie was shoot by George. Both, Lennie and the dog were shot in the back of the head "where the spine and the skull were joined."(page 105) Steinbeck and Carlson used the same word to describe the pain, which the victims would endure. The word was quiver. Both of the victims friends reacted the same, they both seemed mesmerized and bemused about what had happened. The dog's M. Stern page 2 shooting set up a foreshadow for the killing of Lennie. When one reads the shooting of Lennie they think about how similar they were. But when reads it they also wonder why George shot …show more content…

George never ended up getting paid for his hard work on ranches because of Lennie. That could have been a reason for George shooting Lennie, it partly was, but when Candy said "I ought to of shoot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my... Lennie ainẗ handy, but this Curley punk is gonna get hurt if he messes around with Lennie.(36). This shows that Lennie is going to hurt by Curley in the future. It says that if Curley were to mess with Lennie he would hurt him, and thatś exactly what happened to

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