Comparing Ten Commandments And Hammurabi Code

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What would happen if you slapped your father; or stole from the king in ancient Mesopotamia? Come with me while we take a step back through time to 1730 B.C. Here we will compare and contrast the Ten commandments and Hammurabi code. After studding Hammurabi's code and the Ten Commandments in school, I will share my knowledge with you about the two topics.
Though these laws are very different, here are a few things they have in common.
In both sets of laws, there are rules about stealing. In Hammurabi code, one of the laws about stealing says “If anyone steals from someones house, they will die.” In the ten commandments, there is a law that says just that in a simpler way: “Thou shale not steal.” Very simple. Another thing the two laws have in common is there are laws about honor. The Ten Commandments talked about how you need to honor your father and mother. In Hammurabi's code, there is a law about honor that says if you are a slave that runs away, your ear will be cut off if you are caught. The last way they are in common that I will talk about is Rules to protect others. One rule in Hammurabi's code is that if an equal knocks out your teeth, you get to knock out theirs. In the ten commandments it says not to murder. …show more content…

One of the Set of laws is man made. I’ll give you a hint, it’s Hammurabi's Code. The other set is from God himself, given to Moses on the Mountain of Sinai. Here is another difference. In Hammurabi's Code, There are a lot of rules that say what you are to do in a certain case. The Ten Commandments is strictly “do” and “don’t”. The last difference I will tell you about is that in Hammurabi's Code, It gives a punishment you are to do if you break a rule. Were as the Ten commandments just strictly tells you what not to do, without a

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