Comparing Sacrifice In Annie And Marita's Bargain

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Sometimes, in order to succeed, you need to sacrifice. In A Walk to the Jetty and Marita’s Bargain, both Annie and Marita had to sacrifice to be successful in their educational lives. Each girl ventured different paths, but the subject of the matter is the same. Although both Annie and Marita made changes to their education, the severity of their situations differ. Annie was from a poor family and lived on an island with her parents. Her dream was to travel to England for college. However, she cannot leave without sacrificing her comfort zone. Her parents, the island, her bed, the sound of her mother gargling at night; everything at home is her comfort zone. She needs to leave that behind to pursue her education in England. She does leave, but she still struggles. In the beginning, she claims she hates everything on the island. She is so eager to leave. Yet, her mood changes once the time comes for her to board ship to England. “My mother and my father—I was leaving them forever. My home on an island—I was leaving it forever” (Pg. 41). Once she realizes she will not be returning, she feels …show more content…

Where she lived was a bad place to pursue any sort of education. Her educational needs were not being met, so her parents enrolled her into KIPP Academy. At KIPP, it is extremely advanced compared to the school in the Bronx; more homework, longer school hours, and less and shorter breaks. It was not at all like a normal public school. Marita succeeded in her education, but she, as well as Annie, had to sacrifice for her success. “I used to have contact with one of the girls from my old school…all of my friends are now from KIPP” (Pg. 13). She had to sacrifice her free time as well as all her old friends to succeed in KIPP Academy. The school hours and amounts of homework are too cumulative for her to “have a social life”. However, she switched over with no struggle. She was committed to her education enough to sacrifice what she needed to

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