Comparing Pirates Of The Caribbean Series With A Horror Film

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Originally My essay was structured to compare the Pirates of the Caribbean series with a horror movie. However, watching the movies I realized this comparison could not be made in the sense as originally thought. This is in which I made the realization that it was after all a Disney movie. The series is rated PG13, meaning all element of gore and horror could not be used in the same conventions as a horror movie. Because when thinking about it, the elements of horror are there, Curses, Walking skeletons, Monsters, Darkness, Killings. Those elements could easily be made into horror, but they are not. It is the same in relation to the sound of the movies. The elements are there but they are twisted to not fall into the category of horror. One such element are scares. Making a sudden noise to scare the audience when least expecting it, …show more content…

The final element of horror I would touch is silence. Silence is a very important and impactful, in horror movies, it created tension and expectation, great for classic sound scares. Silence is not only a horror element but a technique used in many genre for impactful moments. Chion explains the meaning of silence in his book Audio-Vision “In a well-known aphorism Bresson reminded us that the sound film made silence possible. This statement illuminates a paradox: it was necessary to have sounds and voices so that the interruption of them could probe more deeply into this thing called silence.” (57). By trying to find this silence in the series I came to realize that Pirates of the Caribbean is a movie that uses primarily dramatic orchestras to express impactful moments in the movie instead of silence. This is also when I realized that the Music in the series takes part of an important role I previously

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