Comparing People to Dolphins

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Whether a dolphin should be a person and should get rights like humans seems to be a very odd question. However, if we take a close look at what characteristics are present in humans that allow them to be persons, the same criteria applied to dolphins makes them persons as well.

The first criterion in my definition of a person is for them to have a sense of self. This is true for us, as we are aware that we exist, and we can recognize ourselves as what we are. In addition, this is true for dolphins as well, and is proven as dolphins can recognize themselves. In an experiment done on dolphins, black marks were put on dolphins, which they couldn’t see. The dolphins looked at themselves in a mirror, and knew they were looking at themselves and not at another dolphin. This shows that they are aware and know that they exist. In this case, the dolphins were self-aware, and wanted to know what was being placed on their bodies, and the dolphins could recognize themselves in a mirror as what they are, and not as another dolphin. They knew that the animal in the mirror was them, and not another dolphin. This shows that they are self-aware of what is going on around them, and they know that they exist. Dolphins have a sense of self, which is a reason why dolphins should be considered persons.

Next, in my definition of a person, is that you have to recognize other persons and treat them appropriately. As humans, we do this, as we treat other humans with the respect and the rights that they deserve. This criterion can also be applied to dolphins and is shown through many different stories, of dolphins saving humans. In one case, dolphins surrounded twelve divers in the Red Sea for the entire time that they were lost. This act repelled many ...

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... have to be a new set of rights given to them, that will be applied only to them? These questions don’t have definite answers. They have answers, but from varying viewpoints, which are subject to change, and it is important to know that there is no right answer.

When we look at the future, giving dolphins the identity of a person will change the future for the better. Dolphins will be protected, and this will save them from being held captive, and then being forced to train. This will change the idea of zoos, and whether some animals have enough intelligence to be released. It will question the fact of what animals are persons and furthermore, if they should they be released and be set free, with rights of their own. This will change everything, from our idea of freedom, captivity, and rights. In one short sentence, it will challenge the idea of what a person is.

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