Comparing Murderers in Lamb to the Slaughter and the Speckled Band

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Comparing Murderers in Lamb to the Slaughter and the Speckled Band

In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast the two murderers,

Sir Grimesby Roylott in 'The Speckled Band' with Mary Maloney from

'The Lamb To The Slaughter'.

The two stories 'The Speckled Band' and 'Lamb To The Slaughter' are

both about murder. The situations and motives that occur show sharp

contrasts between each of the separate murders. The character of

Roylott presented in 'The Speckled Band' is a violent character with a

unique quality with wit and skills that shine throughout this short

story. It is not however, for the best reason. He is a doctor, a

profession that carries respect and trust. He would also be well

educated and calculated to carry out most tasks for his patients in

this caring profession.

Maloney differs on the other hand; she is a housewife who just keeps a

clean house whilst her husband goes out to work. She is further

presented as a serene, loving wife, who is six months pregnant. She

loves her husband and follows whatever he has to say. She enjoyed a

good life as we gather from the text: 'For her, this was a blissful

time of day'. She could afford to relax in a quiet house with whiskeys

on ice just waiting for her husband to arrive home from his work.

The difference with the two murderers is their sex. Murders are

generally considered to be male. We refer to the murder as 'him'

We can sense that Roylott is under more pressure; he has obviously

decided to kill his stepdaughter for her riches that he can't make my

being a doctor.

Maloney has her husband's wage from his work, and the home will only

need to be cleaned every couple of days.

The text suggests that her husband is stressed. He has to tell Mary

that he is leaving her. He leaves her with no explanation for his

absence, only that he will pay for the baby's upbringing. This was to

keep Mary quiet; the text accuses Patrick of caring more for his job

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