Comparing Murder in the First and The Shawshank Redemption

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Comparing Murder in the First and The Shawshank Redemption

Years ago, the worlds penal systems such as Alcatraz Penitentiary; were biased, corrupt and unjust. Today if such a system existed and was identified there would be immediate action. Murder in the First and The Shawshank Redemption are two similar yet equally engrossing pieces of film-making; both films are set in the 1930s and 1940s in American prisons and both convey the similar message.

The Shawshank Redemption was directed and written by Frank Darabont who adapted horror master Stephen King's 1982 novel Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. This films main characters consisted ofAndy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), Boyd Ellis Redding Red (Morgan Freeman), The Warden (Bill Gunton), Hadley (Clancy Brown) and Brooks played by James Whitmore.

The Warner Brothers film, Murder in the First was inspired by the true story of Alcatraz inmate Henry Young. The film is generally fiction, but portrays an example of some of the in-mates hardship. The key actors in this film are Kevin Bacon as Henry Young, Gary Oldman as the Warden and Christian Slater as James, the defending attorney.

Throughout both films the main issues are the corruption within the penitentiaries by a select number of guards and the wardens, the rehabilitation and redemption process which the in-mates had to encounter, the brutality of the prison system, and the friendships which were formed within the prisons.

The subject matter/plot and characters of both these movies are similar in many ways they both contribute the same message. The movie The Shawshank Redemption has excellent examples of the issues of corruption and brutality of the prison system. It is based upon a young banker (Andy Dufresne) who is sentenced two life imprisonments for the accusation of the murder of his wife and her lover. While in prison Dufresne

quickly befriends Ellis Boyd Redding Red is regularly ridiculed by the general prison population, is often assaulted by a gang of in-mates who rape and beat him, and also is hired by the warden of Shawshank prison as his personal accountant, and in exchange for his help with tax evasion, embezzlement, kickbacks and other legal activities, he receives a library job and privileges. As the plot of the film develops so does Dufresne and his intentions which are exposed at the end of the film.

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