Comparing Materialism In Black Friday And The Christmas

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The tendencies of humans as a whole leading into the present time has been trending towards a pattern of indulgence and materialism, controlled by different corporations and name brands. The wave of materialism caused by these different corporations and name brands is only solidified by human nature. People always aim to become better, and for many, this wanted improvement in their life is directed to their pursuit of material goods. In school, many students are taught by a cutthroat education system to pursue higher grades for greater opportunities. In this similarly possessive and competitive manner, many people are taught to desire upcoming products such as new phone models and new lines of clothing. As a result, this grants control to big …show more content…

Still, people are compelled by their materialistic side to purchase products that they want instead of necessities. Particular times of the year that exhibit this trend are Black Friday and the Christmas season, two times of the year in which stores encourage splurging by providing different sales and discounts. According to a telephone poll study conducted by the American Research Group in 2016, the average amount of money a person spent while buying Christmas presents is $929, the first average value exceeding $900 ever since 2006. While some may think that it is okay to indulge in these products occasionally, it still comes to show conclusions that can be made about their mentality. Not only does this statistic affirm the presence of materialism inherent in people during the Christmas season, but this statistic also shows how people are becoming increasingly materialistic as time progresses. Furthermore, the Christmas season and Black Friday shed negative light on materialism through the competition and chaos that ensues in different stores. Frequently, people end up violent and aggressive, competing for limited resources based on what is trending in the holiday …show more content…

One of the biggest issues tied to this negative aspect of materialism is the stigma of self-perception and portrayal. Frequently as a result of influences such as media portraying different celebrities, people may want to be able to express themselves through material goods such as clothing, in addition to gaining self-confidence. Celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Pete Burns went through extensive cosmetic plastic surgery to be able to express themselves. Like Jackson and Burns, people want to present themselves nicely in front of others, which motivates their material-oriented mindsets. However, some are materialistic to the point that their identity relies on the different brands of clothing or technology they wear or possess. One would not be able to maintain her identity without Gucci handbags, or perfume made by Chanel, or an iPhone protected with a case embedded with rhinestones. Others cannot get enough of purchasing goods that represent their wealth and status, such as expensive jewelry, cars, or houses. In the end, this grants more power and control to the market, different brands, and the corporations behind these material goods due to people’s desire and dependence of different material

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