Comparing Lady Macbeth 'And My Last Duchess'

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Throughout the Shakespeare story of Macbeth, the Robert Browning poem My Last Duchess, and the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice, each of them has an element of destructive love within their stories. Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the Duke of Ferra and his wife, and Elizabeth and Darcy, all of those characters may be from different stories, but are all connected through their experiences with love. How does Lady Macbeth affect the story of Macbeth with what she’s said to Macbeth, and what does it later leave her to say to herself later down the line? What does happiness lead to in the poem, My Last Duchess? And what does marriage mean in the story of Pride and Prejudice? In the story of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is quoted as saying: “We fail”, But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we’ll not fail” (Rosenblum). Why is this quote important? Lady Macbeth has just told her …show more content…

out, I say!... Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him” (Shakespeare). This is the quote that would later lead to the suicide of Lady Macbeth. At this point, Lady Macbeth has caused Macbeth to become so twisted that when he hears of this news he doesn’t care whatsoever and only views it as an inconvenience. Any love that Macbeth had for his wife at this point is completely gone which is complete opposite from how Macduff reacted to his family’s deaths. My Last Duchess answers the main question of the poem with the quote, “I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together” (Bloom). What happened to the Duke’s wife? The Duke of Ferrara hated her flirty attitude, her smiles, and her happiness so much so to the point of having her murdered. While giving someone a tour of the home he strips back a curtain to reveal his wife smiling in a painting. This way she only smiles when he allows her

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