Comparing John Conlan And Lorraine Jensen's The Pigman

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In the story, The Pigman, it is narrated by two high school sophomores, John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen. Who became friends due to their odd similarities. John is a good-looking guy with a bad attitude. He is known to be kind of like the school bully and is always causing some sort of trouble. He wasn’t always like that. It all started when his father was a deadbeat and only cared about alcohol and cigarettes. He also always acted in an infantile way. John got caught up in those ways at a very young age and now all he does is drink and smoke. John’s mother isn’t that great either. All she does is clean, clean, clean. John really doesn’t have any authority at all. Lorraine is a shy girl who is extremely insecure about herself and has anxiety about being the center of attention. She is very knowledgeable about different things. One of her avocations is writing and she had a very good proficiency in most of her schooling. Like John, her home life isn’t very spectacular either. Her mother and father split up before she was even born. Her mother …show more content…

Pignati, who they called The Pigman because of his love of ceramic pigs. They saw many animals at the zoo; such a an owl which is nocturnal.The Pigman showed the two children a baboon with the name Bobo whom he calls his best friend. After the trip to the zoo, the two kids realize how nice and friendly Mr. Pignati ( The Pigman) is and how they are really starting to care for him. After that, they visit Mr. Pignati almost everyday or evening. He makes them feel as if they really are cared for by someone, since their parents don’t seem to care about them. They begin to become better friends with him as the days go by. Each day learning more and more about him. The two kids and Mr. Pignati begin to do all different sorts of fun and interesting things. Lorraine, John, and Mr. Pignati go to the department store where they buy roller skates and ride them all over the

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