Comparing Islam And Confucian Ethics

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Being that the Islamic faith is one of the three main monotheistic denominations, along with Christianity and Judaism, there are some common beliefs shared between Islam, Western, and Confucian ethics. However, there are also some distinct differences between these ethical models. When comparing Islam and Confucian ethics there is common theme of community and a unification of the people. These two models also share a similar patriarchal hierarchy where the husband or father is the head of the household. According to Confucius, “the achievement of order in the home is itself the basis on which any broader attainment of order depends” (Ames, 1988, p. 206).
Furthermore, both Islam and Confucian ethics follow written guidelines or rites, which have been passed on by the generations. The Confucian Analects contain a record of conversations and actions that took place between Confucius and other ancient Chinese thinkers, which influence their values and ethical beliefs. The Qur’an and the Sunnah create the foundation for the Islamic ethical model. “Muslims regard the Qur’an as the ultimate closure in a series of revelations to humankind from God, and the …show more content…

Additionally, even though both cultures promote a sense of community, the way they go about it is slightly different. Confucians are motivated to consider community over individual needs by the thought of self-cultivation and refinement. This approach is more grounded, with an emphasis on family and being a role model, which will result in a path to heaven. Muslims see a more divine path to the afterlife and ultimately a judgment by God. The Muslims duty of zakat, outlined in the Qur’an, defines a responsibility to prevent injustice to the poor and needy, by giving and sharing what they have to create social equality. Their faith guides them to be virtuous and

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