Comparing Hirschi's Theory, Attachment, And

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People of society would in fact commit deviant acts, they decide not to. They fear losing the relationships they have with friends, parents, neighbors, teachers, and employers. Without these relationships and social ties a person is free to commit criminal acts. There are 4 elements to Hirschi’s theory, attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Attachment refers to the ties an individuals has with others, mainly their parents and peers. Attachment to parents is the most important because without it is unlikely that feelings of respect for other authority figures will develop. There are 3 components to attachment with parents, the strength and quality of the relationship, supervision, and physiological presence. The second element is …show more content…

Those who have strong ties with the community are less likely to commit crimes. Like-minded people make us more connected within the world in a sense therefore not wanting to commit crimes against it. Hypothesis Hypothesis 1: Students who have both parents in the home are less likely to participate in deviant activities than ones who have single or no parents at all. Hypothesis 2:Students that participate in 1 or more activities for future advancements are less likely to partake in deviant acts than ones who go home immediately after school. Hypothesis 3:Students that have religious beliefs are more likely to steer away from deviant behavior compared to those with out beliefs. Participants The intended target population being studied is youths in America. There are three different sample groups taken from a school in an upper, middle, and lower class neighborhoods to target the different communities in this country. By including participants from the same neighborhood in each sample, this accounts for the social disorganization theory variability due to a difference in integration between different neighborhoods. The age of the participants range from 16 to 18, this is the time where students are more independent and start planning for their

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