Comparing Grimm Brothers And Perrault's Story Of Cinderella

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Contradistincts of Cinderella How many different versions of a fairy tale are there? It is truly astonishing how so many authors can the same story, but with different features. For example, Grimm Brothers and Charles Perrault’s version of Cinderella are different and unique in their own way. Grimm Brothers gave the story of Cinderella a more gruesome touch, while Perrault’s story of Cinderella is similar to the stories of Cinderella we see and hear today. There are many similarities in each Cinderella story, but the Grimm Brothers and Perrault’s version share various differences that separates one story from another. One big difference separating Perrault’s version from Grimm’s version is the magic that is involved in the story. Perrault involved a fairy godmother in his story, while the brothers involved a few birds inside a magical tree. These things have a big effect in each story, as they both lead Cinderella to her happy ending. The Godmother gives Cinderella a coach covered in gold, horses to make travel easier, coachmen, and footmen. As a result of giving her all of these things, it made Cinderella seem more elegant. This was …show more content…

While reading the Grimm fairy tale, the reader usually notices how the sisters are mean and cruel to Cinderella. The step sisters bark orders, make Cinderella do whatever it is they please, and behind all that, they cut off parts of their feet in an attempt to become royalty. At the end of the story, when Cinderella is getting married to the Prince and her step sisters are walking down the aisle, a pigeon picked out each one of their eyes. One of the themes of this story would be: “You get what you deserve” because of how the Grimm Brothers gave the sisters something in return for how Cinderella was treated poorly. Charles Perrault gave off a theme more similar to “Forgive and forget”. At the end of his version, Cinderella forgave the sisters for how they mistreated

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