Comparing Dracula And Edward Cullen

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1. The narrator describes Dracula as an intimidating character. From his perspective, Dracula does not possess delicate facial features, but rather a frightening appearance. With his pointed ears, strong nose, broad chin, and sharp teeth, Count seems unapproachable. Moreover, the speaker goes into further detail on Dracula’s curly hair, thick eyebrows, and dense mustache. At one point, the narrator witnesses the vampire transforming into a flying creature with his cloak spread like wings. Another vampire I am familiar with is Edward Cullen from Twilight. Cullen is an attractive teenager with a slender physique, pale skin, and a perfectly sculpted facial structure. Some variations between them include their differing wardrobes. Cullen wears clothes that assimilate with modern times while Dracula dons an extravagant attire. Perhaps this modification occurred because of the massive time difference between the two novels. A more significant difference is Edward’s inability to shapeshift. Twilight largely centers around the existence of shapeshifting werewolves preventing the vampires from having the same powers. I am also aware of the incredible amount of weaknesses that Dracula has. For example, he cannot go near garlic or be in direct sunlight, however, Cullen can. The author of …show more content…

I think Harker was indicating that each time period is unique and full of charisma. Although there are many technological advancements, no device can overcome the mystique previous centuries possessed. Perhaps Harker does not approve of the progressions humanity has created. The novel was written in 1897, so the idea of machinery improving the way of live is an outlandish concept. Another explanation that involves Dracula, is that despite major societal changes, monsters such as vampires still cannot be defeated. Although many times the protagonist succeeds in overpowering the villain, it is common for the antagonist to keep reappearing. Harker’s rather abrupt remark possibly suggests

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