Compare and Contrast Tennyson's The Charge of the light brigade

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Compare and Contrast Tennyson's The Charge of the light brigade

with Owen's Dulce et Decorum est.

War, what does this word mean? The dictionary meaning of war is a

conflict between one or more nations. Many people think war is a way

of solving futile problems that rise between nations. The true meaning

of war to me is the destruction of entire civilisations and of humans,

war takes in brave strong and glorious men and women and spits them

out as fragile haggard ruins of men and women. The gruesome stomach

churning images of people being blown up, arms ripped from torso's,

people bleeding to death, this is the real meaning of war to me.

These two historically accurate astounding poems where written in

completely different eras of time and during two very different wars,

the Crimean war and World war 1. The Crimean war was fought between

the Russian and English forces during the 1850's. After initial

success in Crimea the war became disastrous and a number of aspects

contributed to the 50,000 strong English force being forced backwards.

World War 1 was fought mainly in France between the Germans and allied

forces from 1814 to 1819. Soldiers on both sides fought and lived in

trenches during this war and when they got the call they would run at

each other to win the ground in between each trench this was known as

trench warfare. Chemical warfare was used for the first ever time

during this war. This was a menacing new invention of W.W.1. Small gas

pellets would be dropped over each trench and a foreboding yellow gas

would cling to the trenches and anybody who is caught in the gas would

drown in their own body.

Both poems are about war although each poem has a completely different

opinion on war. Owen's ...

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... last stanza is more straight forward with one

meaning which is to show the valour of the men of the light brigade

and to honour them for eternity.

Although both poems are diametrically opposed, they have the same

common goal to get the reader to believe in their view of war. We see

at the end of each poem we are being told what to believe. In owens

poem we are told that dying for your country is sweet and seemly is a

lie and in Tennysons poem we are told honour the light brigade honour

the charge they made.

After carefully comparing and contrasting these two poems I have come

to the conclusion that, Wilfred Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum est' view of

war is true. His poem was outstanding. The imagery he used illustrated

to the highest his view of war and the tone and atmosphere was created

perfectly by a good rhythm and pace which move along with the poem.

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