Compare The Scarlet Letter And The Green Mile

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The Scarlet Letter, The Green Mile, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Stephen King are the novels and authors that have struck many readers with a frightened character in stories of ridicule and punishment. Anti-transcendentalism and horror are rarely seen as genres people can compare because of their stark, blinding contrasts. However, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Stephen King’s The Green Mile can be noted for their commonalities and their differences in the authors’ styles, the books’ themes, the stories’ plots, and how these books are seen in the classroom. In both of these books, authors’ styles fill them with rhetorical and literary devices such as allusions, symbols, and descriptive diction. In The Green Mile and The Scarlet Letter, there are major Biblical allusions. The Green Mile has symbols through the mouse named Mr. Jingles, John Coffey, and the green mile. The Scarlet Letter has plenty of symbols as well. The rosebush and Pearl are two symbols in The Scarlet Letter. Both authors’ diction always has a purpose with the words they …show more content…

The main allusion would be David and Bathsheba. Their story was of adultery and murder. King David sent Bathsheba’s husband off to war so he could truly be with Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11). This allusion was mentioned to compare Prynne’s and Dimmesdale’s affair to that of one with a greater consequence. Cain was mentioned because he committed the first murder and was given a specific mark to symbolize his murder (Gen. 4.15). “With her native energy of character and rare capacity, it could not entirely cast her off, although it had set a mark upon her more intolerable to a woman’s heart than that which branded the brow of Cain,” (Hawthorne 87). Hester was made to wear the letter ‘A’ which made people treat her like it was the mark of Cain. Her skills were necessary in the community though and she wasn’t completely

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