Compare And Similarities Between The Matrix And The Allegory Of The Cave

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Karen Wong
Marga Teichman
English 101
7 June 2017
Response Two:
“The Allegory of the Cave” and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” and the film The Matrix, we are able to see connections between the two works as they comment on the definition of reality. As presented in “The Allegory of the Cave,” Plato juxtaposes the enlightened people (as depicted by those who have seen the sun and been out of the cave) and the ignorant people (as depicted by those who only know what is within the cave). Those who first venture out of the cave will “have pain in their eyes… (and) take refuge in the objects of vision which he can see” as they are unprepared for the sun’s brilliance (Plato 588). The sun symbolizes reality and knowledge while the shadows …show more content…

Like those who only knew of the cave, most of humanity in The Matrix is living in this virtual reality. Both groups of ignorant people only know a limited amount of things and either do not know of or resist being exposed to the realities of life and truth. Both groups of enlightened groups of people are often seen as radical/the counterculture and should be retaliated upon with force. The rejection of knowledge due to its harsh realities is very prevalent both in the “Allegory of the Cave” and the Matrix as well. This limited viewpoint of the ignorant can be tangibly seen through the image of the cave and the vats that people were plugged into. Their versions of what “reality” is, is highly constrained not only physically, but mentally as depicted through the lack of mobility in the prisoners and the lack of free will/thought in those stuck in the system. These limitations create a feeling of suffocation and confinement sensed by the audience. Similar to the sun and how it symbolizes reality and truth, the red pill also embodies the idea of free will and choice. Conversely, the blue pill symbolizes submissiveness to ignorance and a sense of security

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