Movies At A Theater

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Movies whether they are fictional historical suspenseful or terrifying allow me to enter a different would when I am viewing them. Movies are fun to go to see at a theater but watching at home can actually be a better experience. Watching movies at home allows me to pause the movie for bathroom and food I can turn up the volume as loud as I want and I’m not paying nearly twenty dollars to watch a two hour movie.
Movie theaters they are loud and obnoxious people filled spaces. While watching a movie is fun it is also inconvenient and expensive. Theater movie tickets range from five to nine dollars a ticket while a rented movie cost two dollars. After buying the tickets there is the food that five to seven dollars per combo and refills have to …show more content…

Movie theaters are loud and do not pause therefore if someone has kids and are tending to their needs the movie could be missed entirely, but if that same individual is at home they could pause the movie tend to the children and resume whenever it is convenient for them to do so. Also driving is an inconvenience as when I am done with work the last thing I want to do is drive anywhere to see a movie I would much rather go home put on pajamas and watch a movie from the comfort of the couch compared to having to sit in a theater with one hundred other …show more content…

Renting a movie is a whole lot cheaper it is in a cleaner environment when at home compared to a theater. Watching movies at home is also convenient as I can pause a movie go make some food or a beverage tend to my nephew and come right back to where I left off without missing any part of the movie, also I don’t have to drive which takes up time I could spend doing other activities. While these are some of the cons the expense is to; if I can spend two bucks compared to twenty ill spend two any day I work hard for my money so if I can make it last longer I will. So movie theaters while fun entertaining and being a good first date are also loud dirty and expensive means of entertainment not to mention inconvenient as most people do not live next to theaters it is a drive a way. Movies at home offer comfort affordability and a clean safe environment where you can dress however pause the movie at any point and be in the safety of your home whenever you want. Renting movies is easily the better choice when comparing to a

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