Compare And Contrast Washington And Du Dubois

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How radical do you think readers in 1903 considered Du Bois’s reform message? What from his own experiences or from the recent history of his time gave him confidence in his solution to the “Negro problem”?
Since Du Bois's message came after Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Exposition Speech, the people were wondering what to think of his reform message. Du Bois believed that, unlike Washington, the African-American population should fight against segregation with his plan, the Talented Tenth. His history of being born to a barber and a housekeeper helped his case. His background proved that anyone could rise, get a good education, and be a part of the Talented Tenth. This childhood experience gave him the confidence to produce his idea to solve the "Negro problem."
Examine Du Bois’s argument as a reflection of the historical context of progressivism and race relations in the early twentieth century. Are his ideas relevant to the discussion of race relations today? Explain. …show more content…

Washington. While Washington was preaching a submissive end to racial conflict, Du Bois had a more action and result-based approach. African Americans, even though they had been freed from slavery years earlier, were still being discriminated against, which could be a form of slavery. Whether it be separate bathrooms, separate schools, or job opportunities, they were looking for a strong leader who would bring change to American racial tensions. Both Du Bois and Washington's approaches were thought out and from people who had been through a difficult childhood. These new ideas would continue to be discussed in the future by lawmakers. Along with these new Progressive-Era ideas, Du Bois helped start the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which continues to strive for racial equality for

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