Compare And Contrast Tney Movie Pocahontas

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In the Disney movie, Pocahontas is depicted as a young woman whom is very courageous and daring. She goes to extreme measures to save the man she fell in love with whom is her family’s enemy. However that is not the case as to what really happened to the real life Pocahontas. The movie is historically inaccurate however not everything that was shown in the movie was false. Pocahontas was in fact a little girl when the English settlers came to Jamestown, Virginia. There was no love interest between them because of the age gap however it is true that he was grateful to her because she helped them through some tough times. The bond between Pocahontas and her father showed in the movie is in fact how their relationship was depicted in real life. They had a very strong father and daughter bond and even the English settlers recognized that.

Pocahontas is a widely recognized Disney movie, with its heroic protagonist and amazing storyline and well recognized music. However the majority of the movie is based on false or inaccurate facts. I will be comparing the Disney movie Pocahontas with the real story behind it. The relationship between the Native Americans and the English settlers, the relationship between John Smith and Pocahontas, and how Pocahontas greatly influenced and impacted both the English settlers and her native tribe.
Pocahontas is a very artistic and amazing movie; it tells a story about two people from completely different worlds who come to love one another but are enemies. Pocahontas is the protagonist and is depicted as a curious and adventurous young woman who finds herself in the middle of two different cultures and has to make a difficult decision as to protecting the man she loves or let h...

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... friends and would teach each other words and customs from each other. There was even a period of time in which Pocahontas would venture into the colony and bring them food which Smith acknowledges that she saved them from starvation. She was a peacemaker, didn’t like conflict to the point where she surrendered when they kidnapped her and even converted into the ways of the English colonists and married a man named John Rolfe. She did all of this in order to stop the fighting that was going on between the two colonies. The movie Pocahontas is beautiful in its own way but is very historically inaccurate however the movie did an amazing job depicting the strong bond between Pocahontas and her father. She was brave young woman who sacrificed everything in order to stop all the wars and conflicts that were going on between the Powhatan people and the English colonists.

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