Compare And Contrast The Wave Vs Frankenstein

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“ “The Wave” VS “Frankenstein” ”

In “The Wave”, Todd Strasser makes Christy Ross say “So how is your experiment going, Dr. Frankenstein? Have your monsters turned on you yet?” in order to relate his book to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.In fact, he specifically tries to tie Mr. Ross directly to Dr. Frankenstein through their actions toward their experiments. There are several reasons as to why Christy says this as well as several ways it relates to “The Wave”. Ben Ross and Dr. Frankenstein are similar through how much they were both involved in their experiment. Ben Ross put in his time and heart into the experiment; trying to perfect it. He wanted the best for his students and wanted to bring the experiment to perfection. Similarly, Dr. Frankenstein does the same through the quote “I had worked hard for nearly two years…. I had deprived myself of rest and health”. The doctor appears to have the same obsessive behavior as Ben Ross toward this experiment. He pushed himself toward his limits just to complete his precious experiment. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Christy Ross makes her statement. …show more content…

Frankenstein relate to each other is through what their expectations for their experiments were. Ben Ross states that “the Wave had originally been conceived as a way to show these kids what life in Nazi Germany might have been”. With this in mind, Ben Ross originally wanted to help the students with the experiment and prove a point. Ben did not predict for the experiment to go out of control. In the same way, Frankenstein states “for the sole purpose of infusing life into an animate body”. This means that the doctor only intended to prove his experiment scientifically and did not expect it to turn into such a disaster. Also, Frankenstein expected positive outcomes, just as Ben Ross did. This is yet another reason why Christy made her

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