Compare And Contrast The Three Sociological Perspectives

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Sociological Perspective Imagination is another word for possibilities or a way to see things through the minds eye. It's vision that isn't accomplished through our senses. The sociological perspective adds society and it's overall purpose. Three of the main perspectives of sociological are the functionalist perspective, conflict perspective and the symboilc interactionist perspective. Each consist of theories on how society operates and believes the concept proves it. The first concept examines how labels are recognized and their functionality. The structural functionalist perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of society by focusing on how each part influences and is influenced by other parts. (Mooney, p8). Once society figures out …show more content…

Everybody would be expected to think repetitively. Healthy conflict pushes away from the norm and sometimes it's needed just to break up the monotony of that continuous flow of mediocrity. Most of the time the social think tank is right but it doesnt mean that a contrary point of view is wrong. Most of the time my thought process is outside of the box and I love that because it gives me the opportunity to be the one to ask why. It also sometimes supports an easier, less strenuous way to get the desired result. I do understand that going against the grain isnt always ideal but it's needed every once in a while. While functionalist and conflict perspectives are represented through societal cohesiveness and societal engagement symbolic interactionism shows the signifigance of it all. Society is symbolic interactionism. It's emphasizes of how society mingles and intertwines within itself through conflict and resloution every moment of everyday. Without interaction we would all be hermits or living in underground bunkers fading away. It would all become nothingness and it's history would be a distant

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