Compare And Contrast The Great Gatsby

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Book vs. Movie: The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic story. The story is told by a man with the name of Nick Carraway, who is the neighbor to a man of the name of, Jay Gatsby. Mr. Gatsby is a rather wealthy man; He wears nice, polished suits, and hosts many lively parties in his mansion. Mr. Gatsby is quite a mystery because everyone knows of him, but knows nothing about him. This classic story follows Mr. Jay Gatsby with his love for a woman named Daisy Buchanan. The Great Gatsby was a book published on April 10, 1925 and the movie premiered on May 1, 2013. The movie and the book have some similarities, but some differences as well. The Great Gatsby, the book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the

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