Compare And Contrast The Giver Book And Movie

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The Giver Essay The movie The Giver and the novel are slightly different, but some are still the same. The book is very interesting, but I liked the movie better because of some differences. Some things that are different are that the Giver and the receiver of memory doesn't have a high honor, Fiona and Asher have different job/assignments and Fiona had stirrings.

In the novel the Giver had a high honor, they needed him to make important decisions and give them advice so they respected highly “The man corrected. ‘Honor.’ he said firmly. ‘I have great honor. So will you. But you will find that that is not the same as power’” (pg.106). The Receiver of Memory had high honor, but not much power because all he could do was to give advice to the other Elders, but in the movie Jonas’s mom didn’t tell him that he was honored and wasn’t as proud instead she was a bit worried unlike the book “‘you’ve been greatly honored,’ his mother said. ‘Your father and I are very proud’” (pg.84).

In the movie Fiona is a Nurturer instead of Caretaker of the Old “Even the applause, though enthusiastic, seemed serene when Fiona was given the important Assignment of Caretaker of the Old. It was perfect for such a sensitive, gentle little girl, and her smile was satisfied and pleased when she took her …show more content…

Everything would build up to the climax or plot of the story. I also liked how the Giver and the Receiver of Memory doesn't have a high honor and Fiona and Asher have different assignments because it makes it more interesting and exciting. Fiona having stirrings makes it more meaningful and makes Jonas want a world with love even more. I liked how the book had more detail but I also feel that some of the detail wasn’t necessary, like his father and mother talking about their Ceremony of Twelve, it doesn’t help him or build up to the story. The book is more detailed though in some ways, but it took too long to

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