Compare And Contrast The Gilded Age And The Progressive Era

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The Gilded Age and Progressive Era are extremely important in America’s history. There were many good and bad things about these time periods. The Gilded age made everything look wonderful on paper but was horrible in practice hence the Progressive Era which helped to fix problems such as racial inequality, industry, inequality for women, and laissez-faire presidents. The workplace was hard for anyone in the Gilded Age due to low pay, awful work conditions, and no compensation for injury. The economy was booming due to the speed that things could be manufactured. Employers loved that they could pay the immigrant workers 3 cents an hour and fire them as soon as the employee was injured. In the meat industry anything could end up in the food like fingers, wedding rings, anything! This was normal until the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, which exposed the harsh conditions of the workplace. Racial inequality was common during the Gilded Age. This included African Americans, Asians, and various other ethnicities. The Plessy V. Ferguson case of 1896 …show more content…

Women were judged very harshly during this time for doing anything outside of what was expected of them. Presidents of the time didn’t help much on these issues due to the Laissez-Faire mind set they all had when it came to touching the economy and social issues. They all saw it as the people can control the money and each other all by themselves.Due to this set up the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and the injured got left behind. There were various amendments made to the constitution during the progressive age that resolved some of the problems of the gilded age. One of the problems resolved was that women were given the right to vote with the 19th amendment. Also with the addition of worker protection and segregation being made illegal America began to become the free country we see it as

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