Compare And Contrast The Cost Of College

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Compare and Contrast : College has been an ongoing debate that both parents and students can’t seem to wrap their head around. The cost and the consequence of debt for these ongoing students has become a headache. This topic has been up for debate for quite some time now, when it comes to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders these two both agree that the cost of college will no longer be a milestone towards success. Clinton goal is to make sure that no student has to borrow to pay for tuition, books, or fees to attend a four year public college in their state. The New College Compact policy is a plan to give additional support that will reduce all costs, including living expenses by thousands. Students at community colleges will receive free tuition and also lower student loans interest rate, providing 17.5 billion to encourage colleges to set affordable rates that don’t require student loans. Sanders goal is making public colleges and universities tuition free. The College for All Act states that the federal government would cover 67% of the cost, while the state will be responsible for the remaining 33%. He states that “the runway costs of higher education is one of the driving forces behind growing income inequality in the US”. Health care has caused a pretty big problem as well. Most people have it and others don’t. …show more content…

He has called for a 10% tax surcharge on billionaires, raising the top three tax brackets and creating a new top rate, boosting capital gains and estate, extending social security taxes, going after income made aboard by US corporations, and creating a new .2% tax on all earners to fund a paid family leave program. Hillary wants 4%surtax on income over $5 million, an increase in capital gains taxes, the closing of "tax 100pholes" for v the wealthy, taxing hedge funds managers ' "carried interest" income at higher rates and increasing the estate tax

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