Compare And Contrast The Articles Of Confederation And The Framers

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The Framers sided with the United States Constitution because they had a better federal government. They could do better at controlling all the states and they had representatives and we had a president. That still could be taken out of being president. The Articles of Confederation had many problems. The focus of the Federal Government and State Government was different in many ways and had power differently that will be explained. The Articles of Confederation had a lot of problems that made them fail. One reason is the federal government had no power at all to tax. They had no court systems in the judicial branch. Congress had to establish temporary courts to hear cases of piracy. The voting system was messed up. Nine out of the thirteen states had to vote yes to pass a law and each state only had one vote even if they had a really populated area. They didn’t have any power to enforce the laws only the states had the power to enforce which still wasn’t enough. The Articles of Confederation had strong state governments even though they weren't really together they were like separate countries instead of states. …show more content…

The Federalist thought the federal government should have more power because it and nothing to do to help against the states. The Anti Federalist wanted the states to have more power and didn't want the federal government have that much power. Because they could overpower everyone. The reason that the federalist wanted the federal government to have more power is because they could tax better they could have a court system that works for everyone not just each state for himself. When the states had all the power everyone was hurt because they couldn't raise enough money to do anything. When the federal government got more power they hurt more of the farmers than

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