Compare And Contrast The Anthropological Theorists Of Geertz

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In this research I will discuss the anthropological theorists of Clifford Geertz and of Julian Steward in regards to their ideas of culture, the environment and specifics related to each theorist ideas such as meaning and behavior. A brief overview of their respective backgrounds will be given to frame the discussion and add context to Geertz and Stewards perspectives .Furthermore, this paper will connect the ways other theorists have influenced Geertz and Steward in shaping their own understanding of culture and theories related to culture. And ultimately compare and contrast the two perspectives to each other. Clifford Geertz is an American anthropologist who’s extensive contributions to the field of anthropology still influence how an anthropologist …show more content…

This does not mean that Geertz was not cognizant of the environment but rather that the findings he was looking for in his field research were more specific towards practices in a culture than broadly speaking about cultures generally. Steward focuses on the trajectory that a given culture’s will take due to their environment and how their societal structure and practice could be influenced in response to this. In regards to field research, Geertz did his anthropological work in various cultures such as the Balinese or in Java where his research on the symbols and meaning in cultural practice were used to describe his theory towards culture (Moore 2012: 242). Steward looks broadly at civilizations to gain his perspective and does not have the same extensive ethnographic experience as Geertz does. This could be due to his focus more on the chronological history of a given society rather than an in-depth look like Geertz did in his research. But this of course does not mean that he did not look at particulars in a given group. Steward as was mentioned before looked at material culture to draw upon parallels and see patterns. Overall these theorist illustrate how cultures can be interpreted in a multitude of ways in their own context and how their cultures can come to have similar practices due to a parallel environment or set of

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