Compare And Contrast The American Revolution And The French Revolutionaries

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While the French Revolution might be over, and the ISIS Revolution is “Just beginning”, they might have more in common than you might think. The French Revolution was started by normal citizens who needed a new government just to survive. The Islamic State Revolution was started because of religious beliefs and is seen as a massive terrorist group. Both the French Revolution and the Islamic State Revolution use similar tactics in combat and how they spread their cause, but they’re cause is quite different.
Both revolutions used intelligent ways of gaining members, and they are both successful tactics. During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries gained control of the press, which allowed them to spread their influence quickly and easily. The Islamic State Revolutionaries use brutal tactics to spread their name, and to convert …show more content…

The French Revolution was started when a famin raised the price of bread and taxes were raised beyond affordable, and nobody living luxury had any interest or concerns about it. ISIS was formed from Al-Qaeda, which was created by Osama bin Laden with the long-term goal of waging global jihad. The start of Al-Qaeda is said to have been started by the CIA, but many people believe those to be rumors.
Both the French Revolutionaries and the Islamic State Revolutionaries use violent tactics against their enemies. In the French Revolution they would kill their enemies on the battlefield, sentence them to the guillotine, and put enemy heads on pikes and march around. In the Islamic State revolution the revolutionaries do horrible things to their enemies such as torture, killing their enemies on the battlefield, and publicly killing them and posting it online. Both revolutions were violent against their enemies and would kill some enemies publicly to spread

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