Compare And Contrast Textbooks Vs. Textbooks

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Tablets are becoming more and more popular and they are replacing books in schools, and should schools be doing this? Tablets are great and all but they cause so much of a distraction and they come with problems in the near future, textbooks are far more superior and get their point across to the reader, while textbooks have been around for centuries. Basically the people want to get rid of textbooks and embrace the opportunity of tablets for the replacement of textbooks. Tablets are said to hold more information than a outdated textbooks and can be constantly updated at the users will or even automatically. On the other hand textbooks should be kept because of their longevity of being in the teaching system. Also textbooks do not come with all the problems that arise with the tablets and the excuses of the students not doing their homework. Textbooks have been around from the beginning of the books. They provide the student the information needed to succeed in school and keep them focussed in school. Therefore we need to keep textbooks so the book in general will not happen and …show more content…

In a article by Titlow, John Paul it says “New technologies are often too costly for students and their families who are struggling through a recession.” Also some of the families are fortunate to send their kids to free public school but can’t afford a tablet if the students were given one and it accidently broke. In another article by Brown, Byron W it says, “The required text for the course, Jeffrey Perloff's sixth edition of Microeconomics, will lighten their wallets by a hefty $206.67 retail. Or $147.52 from Amazon. The book is a 20-chapter behemoth that tips the scales at over three pounds, more than the weight of two iPads. This shows that the textbooks are cheaper than a $500 dollar tablet if they had to replace it. It basically proven that students would rather pay a replacement fine or damaged book than a

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