Compare And Contrast Religion And Sports

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I have been to both a religious service and to a baseball game. The emotions felt during both events are in a way similar. It is important to mention that in the past I was a strong believer of Christianity, in the present time I do not practice the religion and my beliefs in relation to it have significantly diminished. The church I used to attend was Pentecostal, thus the main goal of the service was to receive the Holy Spirit. Members of the church would start singing, dancing, spinning around, speaking in “tongues”, crying, shaking, and some would be falling on their back. During that time of worship and spirituality music would be playing loud on the background and you could feel your heart beating hard in your chest. Personally I never “received” the Holy Spirit presence although I “invited” him into me. …show more content…

Similarly during the baseball game I went to, the emotions felt were mixed. Per instance when the team I follow scored a run, I and the other fans felt enjoyment, when the team was losing, anger, anticipation, and fear dominated our senses. Both stadium and religious service we try to forget the rest of our life and decide to just focus on that particular moment and event. Furthermore, as social individuals we try to share those experience with someone else. If we are alone the feelings and emotions when we are praising God or watching a baseball game on TV has its similarities and differences. Per instance when I was alone and listening to religious music or praying it was calm situation instead of the energetic feeling I felt when attending to a religious service. On the other hand while watching my favorite baseball team play an important game on TV I would still feel anxious and excited as I would have felt in a stadium, however my reactions would have been different. Per example in a stadium I can be loud and scream and jump however in my house I would react more

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