Compare And Contrast Prose And Prose

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In essence, excellent poetry is able to instill a state of emotion within its reader through compressed language. Unlike prose, poetry does not focus on developing a plot or character, but rather developing the feelings and mood received or creating a theme. Often, both can be done, in truly masterful poetry. Likewise, excellent poetry must achieve such in a comparatively brief manner, when compared to prose. Often, writing what is absolutely necessary is more impactful than deliberating extensively on a single idea. William Shakespeare, himself stated “Brevity is the soul of wit.” While this sentiment applies to storytelling in general, it becomes even more pertinent when applied to poetry, as uncompressed poetry is just prose. However, a story can absolutely be …show more content…

Great poetry tells a story in a manner unique and improved by the nature of poetry. For instance, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” most definitely tells a story, but the method it is told is conveyed in a manner only possible through poetry. Usage of repetition, refrain, as well as highly detailed and connotative language convey the story, yes, but work alongside this to create the eerie and dreadful mood that is so very characteristic of Poe. All of the poetic devices are used tactfully and creatively to create a powerful sense of emotion in the reader, whether it pertains to the mood or theme. As well, excellent poetry is something that sticks with the reader long after it has been observed. The emotional state created, in excellent poetry, should remain with the reader due to how powerful it is. Likewise, excellent poetry should teach something, or change the reader’s views, whether that be of themself or the world at large. For the most part, I think I worked primarily to instill emotion in the reader through my poems, focusing on creating a theme as well as just discussing some of my thoughts on some

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