Compare And Contrast Palestine Vs Israel

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Israel vs. Palestine. Palestine vs. Israel. A conflict that started in the 1900’s between the two. Both believe that they have claim to the holy land, and both sides have different stories to tell according to history. Palestinians claim that they have a religious claim to the holy land according to the Quran, whilst Israelis believe that they do according to the Old Testament. Palestinians say that they existed on the land much before the Jews had arrived, while the Israelis believe the opposite. After the war had begun, the claims still remained, but a lot more politics/economic arguments began. Palestine states that Israel’s economic power prevents Palestinians from thriving (which will be elaborated more) and that they have a right to …show more content…

Israel has an alliance with the US, and seem to be incumbents. Fligstein defines incumbent as, “those that dominate a particular market by creating stable relations with others” (17). So, Israel has been able to hold such power economically, because they are close allies. Israel and the US have come together in technology and competition creating nuclear weapons. Although, both countries use the other for practical reason, they are both still gaining from one another. Which is why Palestine is “weak” in a sense, because they lack the economic alliance with a powerful country. Making Palestine a challenger, “fits into the dominant logic of stable marker, either by finding a spot in the market or imitating dominant firms” (17). They attempt to gain and form a stronger power, but it is hard to compete with Israel’s …show more content…

All four of these aspects are associated with the beginning of the conflicts. The war itself mainly starts of with the competition concept, because both people, Palestinians and Israelis, want to be recognized as their own. They both want the holy land that they are entitled to according to their religious texts. There is globalizations of both states having their own alliances with other countries. Technology falls under Israel's alliance with the US, and their relationship relating to weaponry. Human rights is a concept that has the biggest effect. Like mentioned earlier, Israel has cut off water supplies from Palestine, dispatching bombs on the city, and sending military. There is also a post outside of Masjid Al-Aqsa, a holy mosque, controlled Israelis making it hard for Palestinian Muslims to visit their own place of worship. In the powerpoint, there is a Bias of Israel, but again, there are many sides to the

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