Compare And Contrast Orpheus And Eurydice

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Orpheus and Eurydice is another myth where two characters show how love is boundaryless and uneasily retainable by going to extreme lengths. The myth starts off on Eurydice and Orpheus’ wedding day. As Eurydice is walking down the aisle to her lover, Orpheus, a snake bites her and she dies on the spot. Orpheus is heartbroken when the love of his life dies. He becomes so determined to get Eurydice back that he goes down to the underworld with his lyre and convinces Hades to let Eurydice have one more chance at life. Orpheus even offers to sacrifice himself to be with Eurydice in the underworld. Hades allows Orpheus to have his way under one condition; Orpheus cannot look at Eurydice on the whole journey to the upper world. Orpheus and Eurydice embark on this mission, but his lack of faith and his temptation to take one peek, pull him the wrong …show more content…

One day Apollo, the god of light, is shot by Cupid’s arrow of intense love. The only downside is that the first person he met eyes with was Daphne, a woman with no means for men. The arrow caused Apollo’s obsessive quality to emerge, making him pursue Daphne in a forceful way. Apollo begins to follow Daphne, attempting to impress her , but she runs from him scared. At the time Apollo catches up to Daphne, she has already prayed to transform into a tree to elude his pressuring presence. Ovid shows how Apollo surpasses limits for love in the quote, “But her pursuer, driven by his passion, outspeeds the girl, giving her no pause, one step behind her, breathing down her neck, her strength is gone. (Met.1.745-748)” The phrase “You want what you can't have”, really applies to this myth because Apollo loves Daphne so much but she is extremely opposed to the idea of loving him. He wants her so badly but this love is unattainable. This love is boundaryless and infeasible because only one character loves the other so the relationship will never work

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