Compare And Contrast Oceanic Religions

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The comparison and contrast of ceremonies performed by African religions to those of Hinduism, Buddhism and Oceanic religions
Contrast-In African ceremonies birth and childhood is very sacred. A baby is never left alone. A name is not giving before the child 12th birthday, the reasoning being so that it cannot get identified by the spirit of death. In Buddhism infant are born, under normal conditions Theravadin Buddhists have the ritualistic naming at a neighboring shrine. Next, monks honor and shower holy water on the newborn. Hinduism the naming ceremony of the child, a holy fire is lit. A 'home' is performed to please all the Gods and then a letter from the Sanskrit alphabet is selected according to the child’s moon sign. The child's name must begin with this sacred letter so that his/her life can be very auspicious. Finally, Oceanic ceremonies naming ceremonies take place months or even years after the birth of the child. The infant mortality was so high in the past that it wasn't until after a year had passed that the family could be reasonably confident that the child was out of danger. Comparison of all 4 is that the elderly always performs the ritual. Singing, and dancing take place.
Contrast- African traditional marriages are present in the view of a union probability for bringing forward healthy children. While some communities require virginity before marriages, others encourage a trial marriage to ensure that a …show more content…

The Hogon is not God and therefore cannot make rain pour from the sky, he cannot guarantee a good harvest. It is unfair that he has to live alone, celibate and teased by having a younger maid whom cannot touch him. Considering the fact that he’s responsible for his clan is understandable and should still be incorporated, however; new realistic practices should be put into place.
The role of clothing within African

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