Compare And Contrast Myamoto Vs Nintendo

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Shigeru Myamoto of Nintendo
Most people argue that Xbox or PSP is better than Nintendo, but I disagree. Nintendo as changed from the old Atari games to 3D, third person, adventure games. At first glance this may seem too geeky or nerdy, but I can assure you this is very interesting. In the beginning, Atari games were more popular. Games like Pac Man, Space Invaders, and Dig Dug were more liked than other games of the time period. But before this Myamoto was a child have adventures of his own and exploring the land of Japan. As a child, Myamoto did a lot of adventuring. He ran through forests, dug through dirt, explored the bowels of caverns, and sailed little boats. In that time he was coming up with ideas for what would soon be his future. On his free time, he would ask his parents if he could go outside. As soon as he stepped in the soil, he would immediately run as far as he could and explore the nearest odd looking thing. He was quiet the little adventurer, but soon his life would change. When Myamoto was looking for a job, Nintendo came immediately to his mind. When he was hired he started working on a new game that everyone would enjoy. The story line was a little …show more content…

At first glance the game didn’t look as appealing to its audience, but over time people wanted more games. Arcades began to lose their fun with at-home-consoles taking their place. Myamoto went from making Pac Man looking games to 3D games. Two of his most famous franchises that were made in 3D are The Ledged of Zelda, and Super Mario. While most adored the Mario franchise, the legend of Zelda (A.K.A LOZ) was beginning to shine. LOZ’s franchise made 15+ games, while Mario beamed with over 50+ games. After a while of LOZ and Mario, Star Fox was introduced as well as many other types of games like Super Smash Bros., Donkey Kong, Kirby, Mario kart, and even Halo. Nintendo grew with Myamoto on board, but they had no idea what was in store for

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