Compare And Contrast King Arthur Vs Excalibur

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The story of King Arthur has been told and retold many times, each version slightly different from the last. Studying different versions of the story can help a reader gather more insight into the story and decide which parts they believe are best. This can be found by looking at dynamics, emotional value, and relations. The best ending can be found by taking the dynamics of the dream sequence and pre-fight within Le Morte d'Arthur by Malory, the emotional value of the post-fight within the movie Excalibur, and the familiarity of the death scene within “The Passing of Arthur” by Tennyson. Starting with the dream sequence, the best portrayal can be found within the Malory. In this version, the ghost of Gawaine is warning Arthur that if …show more content…

Arthur attempts to meet a diplomatic end to the fight with Mordred, rather than immediately turn to war. Another aspect of the Malory that is superior is the catalyst that starts the battle. The appearance of an adder compels one soldier to draw his sword, leading the opposing army to attack. The soldiers fight fiercely until the end of the day, leaving all but two soldiers dead. However, the movie, Excalibur, portrays the ideal post-fight. In the movie, Mordred stabs Arthur with a spear and Arthur slides himself up the spear to kill Mordred with Excalibur. This offers a more heroic death for Arthur, as opposed to the Malory, where Arthur kills Mordred …show more content…

Sir Bedivere cannot bring himself to do so and returns to Arthur, saying that he has done it. Arthur knows he is lying and sends Sir Bedivere off again. Sir Bedivere repeats this until the third time, when he manages to throw the sword in and it is caught by the Lady of the Lake. This is very similar between the Tennyson and the Malory. However, in the movie, Percival is the one to take up the task of throwing the sword, and it takes him two tries, rather than three. The movie is inferior because of this change. The fact that it takes three times to throw the sword within the Malory and Tennyson is symbolic as three is representative of the Three Fates, as well as having religious

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