Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Plymouth Plantation

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Jamestown and Plymouth Plantation, both equally astonishing landmarks in America’s history, how they came to be though were based off ideals far from the same. America would be the land of opportunity, from reasons ranging to the search of gold or a safe haven from religious oppression. Both colonies founded by valiant explorers who risked their lives in the search of greater opportunity. However, there is no success without hardship, both colonies endured starving times and instances of tragedy. Jamestown was the first English settlement in North America and it was founded by the Virginia Company and led by Captain John Smith. Plymouth Plantation was founded on Plymouth Rock by oppressed puritans searching for religious freedom, led by religious man William Bradford. Both settlements suffered through depression, starvation, shock, and overwhelment.
Founded by the overly confident Captain John Smith, Jamestown was the first attempt to establish an English colony in America. Smith was a soldier who fought in Dutch war against Spain, in 1602 he was wounded and sold into slavery. Smith escaped and returned to England. Back in England, the Virginia Company was interested in establishing a colony in America, long story short, the company set sail …show more content…

Both had their own starving period, Plymouth as soon as the pilgrims arrived in Winter and Jamestown had theirs after Smith’s departure. Both had to deal with lack of water and food at first, no source of crops, disease and unsanitary conditions. A big part of success on both of the colonies parts is due to Native American assistance. Without natives, both colonies would have starved and not survived the their first few winters. The Natives either showed them both a way to survive or invited into their resource abundant to take what they need to survive. Jamestown with the Algonquins and Plymouth with the

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